COMEBACK STRONG Summit | Tom Terwilliger | High Achievers University | Speakers

Fantastic, You Made It!

With your help, we can connect with more people, change more lives, and reach our goal of raising $20,000 for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

The next step is easy...

Enter your name and email to register. You will immediately receive and email from This email will contain information to set up your Affiliate Account for the Summit. Within your account you will find several resources to help promote and earn you some cash.


Summit Week is October 5-10, 2020

With gratitude and appreciation,

Be sure to check your spam folder if you haven't received your Welcome Email within 10 minutes.

Meet The Host

Tom Terwilliger

Speaker, Coach, 2x #1 Best Selling Author, Mr. America

Tom knows what its liked to be at the bottom and COMEBACK STRONG.

He went from high school drop-out and dirt bag outlaw biker to Mr. America, Fox Sports Net TV show host, entrepreneur, 2x #1 best selling author, received Health and Fitness Lifetime Achievement Award, and The COMEBACK STRONG Summit creator and host.

His passions are grounded in practicing and advocating the benefits of exercise and peak performance living.

Tom Terwilliger | Comeback Strong Summit | High Achievers University
The Comeback Plan | A Bulletproof Plan For Growth and Prosperity | Tom Terwilliger

“At first, we just wanted to support our online friends during the disruption and help them get past the fear, doubt, and uncertainty we were all experiencing.  We started with a simple idea, provide a guide to help people create and focus on a more compelling and certain future.”

That guide turned into The Sever Step COMEBACK Plan and it took off like wildfire.

The mission of the COMEBACK STRONG Summit is an extension of that objective - to provide inspiration along with the tools, rules, and strategies to get beyond this disruption and get back into action in the pursuit of your biggest dreams, goals, and ambitions.

"Elevate others and you elevate yourself."

special thanks to all event sponsors

Max Mindset | Tom Terwilliger | High Achievers University
Influential DNA | High Achievers | Epigenetic Performance Coach | Dawn Terwilliger
Max Mind Lean Body | Tom Terwilliger | Dawn Terwilliger
High Achievers University | Tom Terwilliger

With Your Help...
We're Going The Extra Mile


COMEBACK STRONG proceeds are going directly to The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States.

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